
Showing posts from February, 2023

History of Medical Law

  Introduction Medical law is the area of law that governs the provision of medical services, such as diagnosis and treatment. Medical law has evolved over time and changed according to the beliefs and culture of each historical period. In some countries, such as France, it is still the case that doctors have a privileged position under the law because they are treated differently from other people who provide services such as dentists or lawyers. In these countries a doctor's word is usually considered above reproach in court cases where someone might sue them for malpractice; if there is any doubt about their innocence then they would not be found guilty by default but would instead be given an opportunity to defend themselves more thoroughly than most suspects are allowed to do under criminal law procedures today." The history of medical law began in ancient Egypt, where doctors were subject to the same laws as everyone else. The history of medical law began in ancien...